Location based multi vendor ecommerce app for SPC PRANA TECHNOLOGY

June 6, 2022 by
Location based multi vendor ecommerce app for SPC PRANA TECHNOLOGY
ZestyBeanz Technologies


Location based multi vendor ecommerce app for SPC PRANA TECHNOLOGY
6 June 2022
SPC Prana Technology is the parent company of SPC Prana Stores. Prana Stores offers Franchises right from the Ward Level onwards growing to Panchayat, Municipality, Corporation and District Level Franchises. When a Franchisee is created, products will be supplied by Prana.
Zesty provides a location based multi vendor ecommerce app for prana stores. The ERP and a mobile application is given as software support. Its godown is provided with an app WMS through which pickings are done. Also Zesty has provided a customer app for customers to order products and also SMS notification is provided for the managing team including the total sales amount occurred on each day at the store. Also customised the modules for Sales, Purchase, Accounting, Inventory.