Introducing ZestyBeanz's Stock Moves Report module, a powerful Odoo add-on that simplifies inventory tracking and provides detailed insights into stock movements. This module empowers businesses to monitor, analyze, and optimize their inventory with precision and ease, ensuring better decision-making and operational efficiency.
Exploring Stock Moves Report module
Get the module from Odoo App store the file from your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- zb_stock_in_out_report
Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-ons path.
Now, open the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode.
Then, open the Apps menu and click on ‘Update Modules List’.
In the search bar, remove all the filters and search zb_stock_in_out_report.
You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.
After Installing the Module.
Navigate to Inventory -> Reporting menu.
A new menu 'Stock In Out Report' will be added.
While clicking 'Stock In Out Report' menu, A popup form view opens
A new popup window opens.
Here, Select the From Date, To Date and Products.
Then click the Print button
Excel Report of All Stock Moves Report
Key Features
Comprehensive Stock Movement Insights: Gain a detailed view of all stock movements, including product details, quantities, source, and destination locations.
Date Range Filtering: Focus on specific timeframes to analyze trends or track daily operations effectively.
Product-Specific Reporting: Generate reports for selected products or categories to dive deeper into product-specific performance.
Export to XLSX: Easily export professionally formatted reports to XLSX files, ready for sharing or further analysis.