User Manual : Common Narration in Journal Entries

June 6, 2024 by
User Manual : Common Narration in Journal Entries
ZestyBeanz Technologies



Introducing ZestyBeanz's Common Narration in Journal Entries Module: Now you can enter a common narration to be applied to all Invoice Lines and Journal Items associated with a single Journal Entry.

Exploring Account Common Narration  Module


  1. Get the module from Odoo App store
  2. Extract the file from your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- zb_account_common_narration
  3. Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
  4. Now, open the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode.
  5. Then, open the Apps menu and click on ‘Update Modules List’.
  6. In the search bar, remove all the filters and search zb_account_common_narration.
  7. You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.

After Installing the module

Navigate to invoice -> journals 

Here a new Boolean field Narration Required is enabled here.


Set 'Narration Required' True for Customer Invoice Journal.

Afterthat, On creating a customer invoice and confirm

Raise a validation if Narration field not entered

If the Narration field entered, then shows the same value in invoice lines 'Label' field.

Key Features

  • Common Narration: Users can input a single narration to be applied uniformly across all Invoice Lines and Journal Items linked to a specific Journal Entry.
  • Narration Validation: Implement a validation mechanism to ensure that users are prompted to enter a narration before confirming a customer invoice.


In conclusion, Zestybeanz’s  Account Common Narration module represents a significant enhancement to your accounting system, providing streamlined management of narrative details across invoice lines and journal items within journal entries.

By allowing users to input a single narration that applies uniformly across all related invoice lines and journal items, the app promotes consistency and clarity in financial records. This uniformity not only facilitates easier comprehension and analysis of transactions but also enhances the overall organisation of financial data.