How to Add a Custom Action on Clicking Tags in Odoo 18

December 13, 2024 by


How to Add a Custom Action on Clicking Tags in Odoo 18

The blog given demonstrates integration of functionality in the Many2Many Tags field in Odoo whereby upon clicking a tag a dialog – “are you sure” is displayed as a confirmation message. When that is agreed to, the user has a view of the Windows form in relation to the clicked item. This particular detail will be easy to grasp by both the technical and non-technical audience.

import { _t } from "@web/core/l10n/translation";
import { useService } from "@web/core/utils/hooks";
import { Many2ManyTagsFieldColorEditable } from "@web/views/fields/many2many_tags/many2many_tags_field";
import { ConfirmationDialog } from "@web/core/confirmation_dialog/confirmation_dialog";
import { patch } from "@web/core/utils/patch";

patch(Many2ManyTagsFieldColorEditable.prototype, {
    setup() {
        this.action = useService("action");
        this.dialogService = useService("dialog");
    onTagClick(ev, record) {
        if (!record.resId) {
            console.error("Record ID is missing.");
        this.dialogService.add(ConfirmationDialog, {
            body: _t("To open the form view, click 'Open Form View'."),
            confirmClass: "btn-primary",
            confirmLabel: _t("Open Form View"),
            confirm: () => {
                    type: "ir.actions.act_window",
                    res_model: this.relation,
                    res_id: record.resId,
                    views: [[false, "form"]],
                    target: "current",
            cancelLabel: _t("Cancel"),
            cancel: () => {},

1. Module Declaration

    /** @odoo-module */

  • This line declares the JavaScript file as an Odoo module.
  • Odoo automatically recognizes and loads this file when the module is installed.

2. Import Statements

import { _t } from "@web/core/l10n/translation";
import { useService } from "@web/core/utils/hooks";
import { Many2ManyTagsFieldColorEditable } from "@web/views/fields/many2many_tags/many2many_tags_field";
import { ConfirmationDialog } from "@web/core/confirmation_dialog/confirmation_dialog";
import { patch } from "@web/core/utils/patch";

  • _t: Used for multi-language translations in Odoo.
  • useService: Access Odoo’s core services, like dialog management and navigation.
  • Many2ManyTagsFieldColorEditable: Refers to the original Many2Many Tags widget we are enhancing.
  • ConfirmationDialog: A prebuilt Odoo dialog for user confirmations.
  • patch: A tool to modify existing widgets or components without rewriting them entirely.

3. Patching the Many2Many Tags Widget:

    patch(Many2ManyTagsFieldColorEditable.prototype, {

  • This line patches the Many2ManyTagsFieldColorEditable widget. It overrides specific behaviors while keeping the rest intact.

4. Setup Function

    setup() {
    this.action = useService("action");
    this.dialogService = useService("dialog");

  • The setup function initializes the patched widget.
  • super.setup(): Calls the original setup method from the base widget.
  • this.action: Provides navigation functionality to open forms, lists, etc.
  • this.dialogService: Enables displaying dialogs (popups).

5. Tag Click Behavior

    onTagClick(ev, record) {

  • This function defines what happens when a user clicks a tag.
  • Parameters:
    • ev: The click event.
    • record: The tag's corresponding record.

6. Error Handling for Missing Records

  if (!record.resId) {
    console.error("Record ID is missing.");

Checks if the clicked tag is linked to a valid record. If not, logs an error and stops further execution.

7. Displaying the Confirmation Dialog

    this.dialogService.add(ConfirmationDialog, {
      body: _t("To open the form view, click 'Open Form View'."),
      confirmClass: "btn-primary",
      confirmLabel: _t("Open Form View"),
      confirm: () => {

  • Adds a confirmation dialog.
  • body: The dialog's message text.
  • confirmClass: Styles the confirmation button (e.g., blue for primary).
  • confirmLabel: Text for the confirmation button.
  • confirm: Action to take when the user clicks "Open Form View."

8. Opening the Form View

      type: "ir.actions.act_window",
      res_model: this.relation,
      res_id: record.resId,
      views: [[false, "form"]],
      target: "current",

  • type: "ir.actions.act_window": Opens a form view.
  • res_model: The related model of the tag.
  • res_id: The specific record ID.
  • views: Specifies the form view.
  • target: "current": Opens the form in the current window.

9. Cancel Button Behavior

   cancelLabel: _t("Cancel"),
   cancel: () => {},

  • Defines a cancel button with no additional behavior when clicked.


    'assets': {
    'web.assets_backend': [

  • web.assets_backend: Ensures the file is loaded for the Odoo backend.
  • File Path: Points to where the JavaScript file is stored in your module.

How It Works for Users:
1.Click a Tag:
  • A user clicks on a tag in the Many2Many field.

2.Popup Dialog:
A confirmation dialog appears with two options:
  • Open Form View: Redirects the user to the tag's related record.
  • Cancel: Closes the dialog without further action

3.Smooth Navigation:
If "Open Form View" is selected, the user is taken directly to the relevant form.

For Developers:
  • Reusable Code: Easily extendable to other widgets.
  • Clean Design: Uses Odoo’s built-in services for consistency.
  • Minimal Maintenance: Only modifies the necessary parts of the widget.
For Business Users:
  • Enhanced Experience: Simplifies workflows by enabling tag interaction.
  • Error-Free Navigation: Prevents unintentional clicks.

This adjustment advances the Many2Many Tags widget, allowing users to interact with it more easily and in a more convenient way. Thanks to the addition of a few lines of JavaScript and associating it through the manifest file, we have incorporated a functionality that improves not only the end users but also the developers productivity.

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