How to Use the Search Matching Applicants Feature in Odoo 18 Recruitment
The Recruitment module in Odoo 18 is an efficient tool for managing job postings and filtering applications based on the required qualifications. When you post a job you can set specific skills to help identify the most qualified applicants. This ensures that the application process becomes focused and efficient, especially by leveraging the "Search Matching Applicants" feature, which filters applications based on the desired skills and provides a matching score.
Create a new job position, such as "Consultant," using the Recruitment module and publish it.
2. While defining the job details, specify the Expected skills in the job description. These will act as the criteria to evaluate incoming applications.
3. Applicants will submit their details through the posted job.
4. The Recruitment module will display all applications received for the job under the "Applications" section.
5. Although the Applicant applied for the post Marketing and Community Manager, his skills match with the Expected skills for Consultant.
6. Open the job posting from the Recruitment dashboard and in settings use the "Search Matching Applicants" feature.
7. The feature will list out applicants that match the skill set for the consultant job.
Key Features
Automatic Applicant Filtering
Filters applicants based on the required skills provided during job posting.
Eliminates the need for manual review of individual profiles.
Skill-Based Matching
Matches applicant profiles against the predefined job skills.
Highlights Matching Skills (skills aligned with job requirements).
Identifies Missing Skills (skills lacking in the applicant's profile)